Nokha Mandi Price 13 March 2024: Rates of Moong, Moth, Guar, Groundnut, Mustard, Taramira and other agricultural produce

nokha mandi bhav

Mr Journalist (Nokha Mandi Bhav): Due to the rapid arrival of crops in Nokha Mandi of Rajasthan, a lot of upward and downward fluctuations in prices have been seen. Today we will know about the prices of these agricultural produce Kakariya seeds, Moong, Matira seeds, Moth, Groundnut and other crops.

Nokha Mandi Price 13 March 2024

Moth 5200 to 6150 rupees per quintal, Moong 7000 to 8100 rupees per quintal, Guar 4500 to 5070 rupees per quintal, Groundnut 4800 to 5500 rupees per quintal, Mustard 4000 to 4700 rupees per quintal, Taramira 4300 to 4400 rupees per quintal, Matira seeds Rs 19,000 to 21,100 per quintal, Kakariya seed Rs 21,000 to 21500 per quintal, Tumba seed Rs 8500 to 9000 per quintal, Isabgol Rs 11,000 to 18,000 per quintal, Gram 5200 to 5500 per quintal, Sesame 12,000 to 12,000 Rs 00 per quintal, fenugreek It was Rs 4800 to Rs 5450 per quintal.

( Disclaimer: The given prices have been obtained from the market and traders. Before doing any kind of trade, please confirm the price in the nearest market)


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