This is how you can protect yourself from heat, health organization issued an alert

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New Delhi For many days, the heat has been affecting many people. At this time, the heat is so intense and hot that all the fans and coolers in the houses, including the AC, have stopped working.

In many districts and states, the temperature has reached 50 degrees. If we see, in many states the temperature has gone up to more than 50 degrees. At the same time, the World Health Organization has issued a warning to avoid heat stroke.

If you also go out of the house, then you must know this so that there is no problem in your body. 

These methods will work-

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has provided information on how you can protect yourself from heat waves and strong hot winds during summer. 

- Do not go out of the house as the temperature is high.

- Make sure to rest for about 2 to 3 hours a day.

- Do not go to the swimming pool in this scorching heat. If you go, keep someone nearby because there is a high risk of drowning. 

- Keep the house cool, open all the windows and doors. This will make the temperature normal.

- Keep the windows and doors of the house completely closed during the day.

Run fan and AC at this time-

If the temperature in your room is up to 40 degrees, then you can use a fan in the room. If the temperature is higher than this, then do not use the fan, because then hot air will come. 

- If you use AC, set its temperature to 27 degrees. Along with this, if you run the fan at a slow speed, your room can cool down by about 4 degrees. This can also save up to 70 percent of the electricity bill. 

Drink water frequently-

It is summer time and whenever you go out of the house, you must drink water before going out. In summer, you must drink as much water as possible. This will keep your body temperature low. If you drink water, you will be saved from getting dizzy or sick. 

Take special care of children-

The heat is so intense at this time that even adults are facing problems. But you will have to take special care of children. If a child gets heatstroke, it will take a long time for him to recover. So, make sure to give water to children from time to time. 


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