Business: You can do this business on the roof of your house, you will earn 60,000

News Club (Bureau). Today, in this era of rising inflation, it has become very difficult to run the house with a job of 10 to 15 thousand rupees. In such a situation, everyone wants to increase their income.
In such a situation, everyone thinks about doing business (Business Idea). Usually, apart from capital, space is also needed to start a business. But if you do not have space to start a business, then there is no need to worry now.
Today we are going to tell you about a business (How to start business) which you can do on the vacant roof of your house. It does not require much investment. The
businesses that we are going to tell you about today. They can be done anywhere in the village or city. In these, you start earning monthly, due to which you are able to earn lakhs within a year.
You get money according to the roof
There are many industries and companies in the market that have good plans for your roof and offer huge money. There are also many agencies that offer you business according to the space on your roof.
Earn money from terrace farming
Terrace farming simply means farming on the roof. If you live in a big house and your house has a very large roof, then you can easily earn lakhs of rupees by farming on it. You can plant vegetables and flowers in pots or polybags on the roof.
For this, you have to choose big and deep pots. You can grow vegetables like cucumber, tomato, radish, beans, potato, onion, garlic, chilli, gourd and brinjal on the roof itself. You can also grow vegetables by making raised beds for higher yield.
Earn money by installing solar panels
You can also earn a lot by installing solar panels on the roof of your house. This will also save your electricity bill. You also get subsidy from the government on installing solar panels.
This also saves your money. You can earn a lot by selling the electricity produced from solar panels to the government or company through the grid. According to a report, one can earn from Rs 30 thousand to Rs 1 lakh every month.
Earnings from mobile towers
If your roof is empty and you don't have enough time for any other work, then you can rent it out to mobile companies. For this, you have to take permission from the local municipal corporation.
You can contact mobile companies or tower operating companies to get a mobile tower installed in your house. After installation, the companies pay you every month. This can earn up to Rs 60,000 every month even in small towns.