Ration Card Download: Now download ration card from home in minutes, know the complete process

ration cards

Rashan Card Download:  Now you don't need to worry about ration card. Now you can download your ration card from home in just 2 minutes. 

You have not downloaded your ration card? Are you worried about this? If so, don't worry! Now you can download your ration card in two minutes. In this article, we will tell you an easy way to download your ration card.

Here is a simple way by which you can download your ration card:

  1. Visit the official website: You need to visit the official website of the food supply department of your state. There, you will find a special section for downloading the ration card.
  2. Fill in the required information: Once you reach the special section, you will need to fill in your required information. This may include your name, address, and Aadhaar card number.
  3. Download: After filling in all the information, you will get the option to download the ration card. This method is quite simple and in a few minutes you can download your ration card.


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